principle – the basic law of nature” in Russian “Do as you would be done by” or “As
the call, so the echo”
in Russian “The family clan is a protection” in Russian “Baby: to be or not to be…?” in Russian “Give baby its blood back: why is early umbilical cord cutting
dangerous?” in Russian "Cesarean section: Pros and cons" in Russian “Why do children get sick?” in Russian “ Child’s mental and physical health depends on family”
in Russian "Factors that affect aggressively the physical and mental health" in Russian " Manipulation vaccine" in Russian |
Cesarean Section: Pros and Cons Alena Jasinskaja in Russian |
Each woman should understand that C-section
is 12 times more life-threatening than a regular labour.
Also the baby experiences very harsh blood pressure changes which can lead to
micro-cerebral hemorrhage. The health
specialists, who take care of the preschoolers, notice that in the last
couple of years the number of children born with the help of C-section have
raised. This surgical procedure was invented a very long ago. At first
they performed it only on dying mothers in order to save a child. Today
the situation has changed. On the one hand, nowadays a Caesarean section is
usually performed on medical indications, when a vaginal delivery would put
the baby's or mother's life or health at risk. But there is also the other
side of the problem: today many young moms refuse to give birth in the
natural way, trying to avoid pain. Also doctors have a point of view that
according to individual freedom they have to meet the preferences of these
women and perform the procedure if the patient wants it. However,
each woman should understand: the C-section is 12 times more life-threatening
than a regular labour. Certainly,
sometimes it is much easier for a doctor to perform Cesarean section instead
of spending many hours on difficult delivery. And many women think that it’s
much easier to fall asleep and wake up already with the child. The only thing
is that nobody knows, what kind of complications these women might have after
a while. Such conditions as bowel obstruction, peritoneal commissures and many others may appear. Only
there is no way back. Certainly,
the aforesaid doesn't mean that one’s should ban even the thought of going
through the C-section. There is no competent specialist that would tell you
that. However,
it’s not wise pin faith to just any doctor. Of course, nowadays the health of
many mothers-to-be leaves much to be desired. According to gynecologists,
more and more young women today, have the contracted pelvis impeding normal
delivery (it’s, by the way, in many respects a result of teenage obsession
with diets and tight jeans). Still, can the C-section be a positive
thing at least for a baby? Sometimes, they say, that this procedure helps the
baby to avoid fear and pain, which it experiences while going through
maternal passages. However,
according to experts, it’s just a myth. Scientists proved that during vaginal
delivery a baby doesn’t feel any pain. It is protected well enough. Moreover,
during the so-called process of
hibernation, when the baby falls asleep, adapting to going through the
birth canal, all its physiological processes slow During
the Cesarean section the baby experiences very harsh blood pressure changes
which can lead to micro-cerebral hemorrhage. The cases of the minimum brain
dysfunction are also rather frequent.
Some psychiatrists express an opinion that in the future the child can
evolve some apathetic character features such as weak will and indifference
due to not going through the maternal passages. That, naturally, will affect
his or her educational period and life in general. As
for the fear, in olden times there was a popular belief that children born
with the help of the Cesarean section were noted for their fearlessness.
However it’s also a myth. The one that is easy to melt by simply observing
these children, the number of which is unfortunately, growing. More likely,
it’s the other way around, many of them are more worrysome and highlystrung than
children who were born in the regular way. One can find a lot of hyperactive
children, suffering from lack of attention among them. By the way it goes
along with weak will: the child does and can be occupied only with what’s
interesting for him/her. And it is difficult for him/her to overcome any tiny
difficulties. He/she just can’t do it. Many
“Caesarean” children have difficult relationship with their family,
especially with their mothers. Certainly, all children are different, but,
according to psychologists, the typical child who was born via Cesarean
section is more dependent and at the same time is more inclined to domination
than usual children. In the family he is quite often the manipulator,
artfully playing on weaknesses of adults and constantly showing, "who is
the boss here". Such behavior makes everybody nervous, especially the
child himself/herself. Bossing the adults around, he doesn’t feel that they
are his/her support anymore. And if they are not the support he/she needs, it
means that neither they are the protection. It makes fears that this child is
already tend to experience grow bigger. After all, any child, no matter how
much he "acted out" in front of his/her relatives, is well aware
that he/she is small and weak. And the world is huge and, full of dangers.
Whose protection can such a child count on? How can people, skillfully
manipulated by him like puppets, be a real protection? Sure,
many psychological difficulties can be overcome or at least partially
corrected. But it is always more difficult to rebuilt, than to destroy. And
in the end, the small piece of legal information. Not all, probably, know
that one of conditions for carrying out the Cesarean section is a written
consent of the patient. This consent is not required only in case of an
emergency surgery, when a woman is in shock or has a hemorrhage and there is a risk to her life. Only
in this situation a doctor has the right to take a woman to the operating
suite without legal formalities observation. In all other cases he/she is
obliged to obtain the written consent, having previously explained, why it is
necessary to operate on her, and having warned about possible consequences of
the procedure. The source: vfocuse.ru</< font> |