principle – the basic law of nature” in Russian “Do as you would be done by” or “As
the call, so the echo”
in Russian “The family clan is a protection” in Russian “Baby: to be or not to be…?” in Russian “Give baby its blood back: why is early umbilical cord cutting
dangerous?” in Russian "Cesarean section: Pros and cons" in Russian “Why do children get sick?” in Russian “ Child’s mental and physical health depends on family”
in Russian "Factors that affect aggressively the physical and mental health" in Russian " Manipulation vaccine" in Russian |
Vaccine Alena Jasinskaja in Russian |
Psychotechnics. How to create a
zombie? Nowadays everybody has heard at least
something about manipulations with human consciousness. As for the
psychologists – the first half is occupied with creating manuals for
professional manipulators and the other half gives practical suggestions on
how to protect oneself from this kind of influence. “Well, they definitely
won’t take me for a ride” – everyman says proudly, right before taking the
bait of a yet another “illusion seller”. And still it is possible to avoid so
unenviable fate. Logic together with clear mind is the best protection. MANIPULATION VACCINE Almost every day we have to deal with
the manipulators – people, who take advantage of us, by trying to make us
feel certain emotions. The influence occurs in the veiled form – whether it
is heartfelt appeals of people carrying a Word of God to the masses of new
cult-followers or sweet persuasions of the network marketing worker who has
just popped in the office to offer you
“the very best” detergent powder. Naturally, who will agree for his/her
consciousness to be forced openly! Anyway, the aim of this influence is quite
clear: a manipulator tries to pressure your opinion, desires and goals the
way he/she wants in order to get the absolute control over the victim of
his/her practice. Caution: thoughts transplantant! The more The more thought we give to
another person's idea in our brain, the easier it is for it to accommodate
and develop rapidly. Imperceptibly we start to think about things, which
presented no interest for us yesterday. Haven’t you caught yourself not being
able to sleep and thinking about a miracle-skillet from a commercial? Or that
you’re trying to find a new widely advertised cure-all in a drugstore,
ignoring well-tried remedies? Or you are so touched by a fate of a poor thing
from the 8th floor, who is unhappily married to an alcoholic, and
now timidly begging you for small loan, that you give it to her without
thinking? The diagnosis is clear: the highly
skilled manipulators managed to drop a seed of fixed, or more likely, fixed
by someone idea in your head. The harder "think" about it,
"feed" it with your energy, the more this initially alien,
probably, even the hostile to you thought changes the features of its new
"owner". The latter, in his/her turn, does what the former have
wanted of him. Several years ago my friend – a girl
that looks like a model and has the university diploma – somehow got married.
Exactly somehow: the spouse who have not found time to graduate from a
training college, made the poor woman cry by constant complaints and humiliation.
He was accusing her of being clumsy, bad homemaker and, alas, lacking of
mental faculties… Despite his frail constitution and the inferiority complex
in general, the mother-nature has endowed the given representative of a
"strong" half of mankind with talent of the manipulator, probably,
as a joke: about a year and a half later what was left of the smart and
beautiful girl was a pale baited shadow of a woman with the perspective of
divorce and long months of communicating with a shrink. This worldly example proves the basic
postulate of manipulative psychotechnology to be
true: the imposed idea becomes dominating and gradually alters the person.
"Author" establishes a strong control over the person into whose
consciousness he has "implanted" the thought. Thereby he attaches
its carrier to himself, as a new energy source. So, this is how you can
create a zombie. Slogan plus image – the brother and a companion According to authoritative
psychologists – Svetlana Solonskaya, in particular,
during the last years they paid a great attention to the manipulative
technologies constructed on features of human mentality. Highly effective
developments from psycholinguistics sphere, neurolinguistic
programming and Erickson Hypnosis interfere with our subconsciousness.
The standard set of methods used by professional manipulators is based on
perception psychology. Let’s take a look at one of the most
effective ways of "brainwashing" - the so-called "associative
binding”. "Cutting" the advertizing or propaganda message, manipulators subtly analyze, what kind of associations it should raise in the
unwitting consumer of the information. At first sight, separately taken
newspaper article or a telecast are absolutely neutral, however, the
imperceptible details put into them can direct imagination of audience to the
right channel, having caused certain associations. As a result, the image of
the goods, service or the parliamentary candidate is formed on the
subconscious level. The real mastership of "associative binding” is
skillful sending of this kind of messages in a certain order: due to
inertness of human thinking the impression received from the previous
information block, is imposed on the first one. The image (positive or
negative - that doesn't matter), having “accumulated” additional features, is
fixed in the minds of a target audience. Long time ago the experts have
noticed: it is in human nature to trust to a TV screen more than to their own
eyes and ears. Why would one look out of the window or take a walk outside their own house, when he/she is going to see and hear
everything just like that? Someone even looks up the weather only in the
Internet: even if it’s raining heavily the advanced user won’t take an
umbrella if the virtual barometer shows “sunny”. Exactly because of the
steady illusion of "objectivity" and "reliability" of the
image presented on the screen, the television possesses almost unlimited
possibilities for a mass consciousness manipulation. Feeling as the full participant of
events, the average televiewer hardly recognizes
the nuances of the application of such techniques, as cross-cutting, angle
and layout. Skillful TV specialists are capable of creating any image of an
event with the help of carefully picked details Let alone the notorious advertizing
slogans! From time to time one just can’t get rid of some absurd tongue
twister, repeating it in his/her mind like a mantra.
Sometimes you can find real gems among creators and copywriters, whose witty and often rhymed sayings improve perception
and enhance memorability of an advertizing message.
It doesn't matter that we don’t know anything about technical characteristics
and flavoring qualities of the advertized goods.
With the use of a successful slogan in
order for this product to benefit in the market what’s imprinted in our brain
is not only and not as much the feature of a certain product, as its
idealized and attractive (you have to run and buy) image. Ceremonies of Evil In times of social instability the
considerable part the confused citizens falls under
influence of so-called pseudo-religions. Offering salvation and promising
achievement of enlightenment popular nowadays cults skillfully manipulate the
consciousness of the potential flock. Some of them are considered to be very
dangerous: feeling a strong psychological dependence on sects, their
adherents get isolated from an external world - up to leaving their own
families. Once having entered such organization, it is very difficult to
leave it: their gurus are able to use a perfectly mastered skill to spy on
their brothers and sisters and bringing back the returning of "the lost
sheep” in to the doped "flock". A sect can have a huge influence on
a person: quite often it can change his/her perception of the world completely. The obedient zombie is ready to follow
any order "from above": for the sake of saving of a community,
without hesitation, he/she will part with his/her beliefs, with property, and
sometimes - with life … Not so much time passed since the
members of a memorable White Brotherhood, preparing for a doomsday, were
going to perform a so-called purification ceremony– and simply – the mass
suicide. Fortunately, law enforcement bodies have interfered with actions of their
leaders just in time. The subsequent researches have shown that young men
have been subjected to unknown psychological impact. Certainly, there is no same person who
would sacrifice his/her life without some real reason, just in the name of
someone’s dubious idea. By the way, the roots of blind obedience of adherents
grow from depths of time immemorial when religious sacrifices had special
mystical sense: human flesh quite often was used as a treat for masters of
the underground world and heavens, hoping that these gods would sent people
crop or malicious demons or that they wouldn’t send plague and a drought; as
well as the cultists immured their breathing victims in the basement of the
erected buildings – for durability … Manipulative psychotechnologies
are used in different areas of our life – from network marketing to political
public relations. With all its variability and specificity of techniques, the
scheme of influence on masses remains invariable: skillfully juggling with
ideas, manipulators imperceptibly put them in our consciousness – while “the
recipient” will acknowledge the thought imposed from the outside as his (her)
own. Everyone can become a target group… According to professional
manipulators: everybody is hypnotizable.
Everybody without an exception can be subjected to it – one just needs
to find a right “key”. Curiously enough, that the people who
don’t believe in anything are the easiest ones to manipulate. It is very
simple to calculate their reactions, which means that it’s simple to control
them as well: you can just give a hint to one of those pragmatic know-alls that certain behavioral model will bring them
certain benefits. The manipulator’s goal becomes many
times more difficult to reach when he/she has to deal with an individual with
very strong beliefs. Psychology calls it strong behavioral pattern. However, there is no unbreakable wall for a true master. Althought at might be a nasty climb for him/her. Namely:
he/she will have to apply an individual approach (which it is both
troublesome and costly), and even lie directly to one’s face. That means the
exploitation of strong person’s beliefs. Some “intellectuals” tend to think
that people without proper education are the most vulnerable to manipulation.
As for themselves, they think they have a certain
immunity due to being so special and sophisticated. Alas, ordinary
professional manipulators have dispelled the next myth of intelligentsia:
researches have shown that the overwhelming majority of the population just
doesn't bother with frequent change of stereotypes. Passive inhabitants
simply turn a deaf ear to modern features – as for the intellectual elite
they are always ready to perceive new and fresh ideas… How to protect mind from attacks One can argue a lot, either the
control of a human mind is acceptable for its own good, providing that the
manipulator’s role is played by a school teacher or a wise and educated
governor. One thing we know for sure: discreet manipulations deprive a human
being of freedom even worse than direct compulsion. A human under
manipulator’s influence becomes a thing. Sadly, there isn’t any certain
developed mechanism to protect people from this technology. Is it so, that
everyone is able to manipulate minds of others with impunity? Unfortunately, it is so. However there are a number of simple but
effective methods, that can be easily used, and thanks to which we would be
able to parry blows on our minds. The thorough analysis and some life
experience will help here. Grigori Fudim, the head of the Psychotronic
Influence on Human Beings subcommission in the
National Academy of Science in Ukraine, advises trying to look at the
relationship with a potential manipulator logically in the first place. The
one who tries to secretly control one’s mind, often uses a “thesis change”
technique. A solution may lie in logical chains,
exact questions and specifications, with the help
of which a false stereotype imposed from the outside is destroyed. A manipulator tries to catch your
attention as fast as possible – immediately. A suspicious
contact should be interrupted at least for some time: have a glass of water,
swallowing 21 times (to calm the nerves), and massage center at the back of your head – especially its mostly projecting part (where the “will crystal” is
located, which is actually the final goal of the executed actions). You can
also cover left side of the back of your
head with a hand. Another good working technique is
manipulations protection on a thought-form level: imagine that you have a
living warm and fluffy cat on your chest in the form of a luxurious fur
neckpiece! At first sight the animal is sleep. But if the opponent makes any
careless attack on you, your downy protector wouldn’t hesitate to show its
claws… And of course, don’t allow pulling you into a discussion, if you haven’t studied the
subject thoroughly. When you posses
profound knowledge, you can confuse your obtrusive interlocutor with a pair or tree
“crushing” arguments: as a rule manipulative psychotechnologies
work on the emotional level. When the manipulator sees indications of being
true homo sapiens in you, he would immediately back out. |